2020 Landscape Architecture Australia Student Prize: RMIT University

Enclaves and Field Conservation by Tom Flugge, Master of Landscape Architecture, RMIT University

Project Statement

This proposal deploys the notion of the enclave as a protective tool in the collaborative mapping of key water moments and key cultural moments. Both moments, “Reading Landscape” and “Reading Country,” require an identification and expansion of enclaves that renegotiate boundaries to provide a range of adaptive programs.

“Reading Landscape” proposes that an understanding of hydrological systems, as read through landform, can lead to the identification of optimal water harvesting locations. “Reading Country” proposes that an identification of enclaves can assist in framing and protecting Aboriginal cultural sites, while inviting visitors to experience their stories and relationships.

By iteratively mapping and reworking the site through the three lenses of Aboriginal culture, agricultural technique and conservation values, the project reveals narrative qualities in the landscape – moments that are more subtle than a spectacular view, but tell stories of connection between water, culture and land. Through collaborative design and field conservation, the project celebrates the power of these stories to engage visitors to the site and advocates for the importance of their protection and conservation.

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